Vice President
大塚 ゆりあ
Yulia Otsuka
Yulia Otsuka

プロフィール Profile
Ms. Otsuka joined our group in 2021. Prior to joining the group, she worked at Barclays in Tokyo and Singapore in the Client On-boarding team. Ms. Otsuka started her career at Nikko Citigroup Limited as an Operations Analyst.
She is currently involved in risk management and investor relations.
2021年当グループ入社 。リスクマネジメント業務を担当。
ロンドン大学クイーン・メアリー校修士課程修了(MSc in Investment Banking)
Ms. Otsuka received a MSc Investment Banking from Queen Mary University of London, and a LL.B. from Keio University.